About Infection Prevention and Control against COVID-19 at the Kyoto Marathon 2023 [Second Edition]
January 19, 2023
Kyoto Marathon Executive Committee
1 Preface
- The event will be held taking measures for infection prevention and control in line with the "Guidance on Holding Road Races" provided by the Japan Association of Athletics Federations.
- The infection prevention and control details shown below are just the current version and are subject to change as necessary based on an update to the Japan Association of Athletics Federations' guidelines and the spread of COVID-19. Information about any changes will be given promptly.
- We ask that all runners, staff, volunteers, and other people concerned understand the infection prevention and control measures, and cooperate to achieve them to ensure the safety and security of everyone involved in the race and hold the event sustainably. This includes taking care of their health in the period between eight days before and two weeks after the race.
2 Basic prevention and control measures
- Wearing masks are mandatory as a general rule
- Measuring body temperature at entrance and exit, and at various locations
- Sanitizing hands and fingers
- Avoiding the "Three Cs (closed places, crowded places, close-contact settings)" and securing physical distance
- There will be a mandate for ventilation
3 Healthcare of runners, staff, volunteers, and other people concerne
- (1) Conduct health checks using the Healthcare Check Sheet (printed document)
In the period starting from eight days prior to two weeks after the event, runners are expected to be responsible for managing their own healthcare checks using the "[For personal management] Healthcare Check Sheet (printed document)" which is published on the Kyoto Marathon webpage. Please note that individuals may be asked to present this check sheet if necessary.
Runners are also expected to fill out and submit the "Healthcare Check Sheet" included in the number card exchange slip at the reception desk.
[Everyone involved in the event, excluding runners]
In the period starting from eight days prior to two weeks after the event, everyone involved in the event (excluding runners) is expected to be responsible for managing their own health checks using the "[For personal management] Healthcare Check Sheet (printed document)" which is published on the Kyoto Marathon webpage. Please note that individuals may be asked to present this check sheet if necessary. - Body temperature checks
Body temperature checks will be implemented at reception, entrances, and other areas on the day of the event. Persons with a body temperature of 37.5°C or higher will not be allowed to enter.
- COVID-19 vaccination
Three or more vaccinations against COVID-19 are recommended for participants. - Other information
- The above healthcare check content is subject to change as necessary with the status of the COVID-19 situation or other factors.
- Runners and all other persons involved in the event are expected to take care of their health and measure their temperature on a daily basis. If there are any concerns about one's physical condition, consider conducting PCR tests or antigen tests according to the situation.
- People with underlying medical conditions participating in the event are asked to exercise caution in making decisions, as there is a higher risk of falling into a severe condition when one is positive for COVID-19.
4 Criteria for judging whether to permit runners, staff, volunteers, and other people concerned to run in or work for the race
A person will not be allowed to run in or work for the race in any of the following cases:
- Is detected as being infected (within 11 days before the event if there are symptoms, or if there was a positive PCR test or antigen test nine days or less before the event if there are no symptoms)
- Is recognized as a person who had close contact with an infected person (However, persons recognized by a public health center as a close contact who have completed the health observation period of seven days and are without any symptoms may participate in the event)
- Is in a bad health condition
- Has visited a country or region whose government has imposed immigration restrictions or post-entry health observation, and the quarantine period specified by the government has not expired as at the day of the event
- Has had a symptom corresponding to an item in the Healthcare Check Sheet or a body temperature of 37.5°C or higher within eight days before the event
- Is still in a poor health, even after a certain period of time has passed after being infected or coming in contact with an infected person
5 Entry fee
The entry fee will not be refunded if a person withdraws from the race or is not allowed to participate due to failure to cooperate with the above measures for infection prevention and control, along with healthcare checks.
6 Criteria for judging whether to hold the event
The race may be canceled under the "Guidance on Holding Road Races" provided by the Japan Association of Athletics Federations if any of the following criteria are met. If the event is canceled after entry fees are paid, a refund will be considered, taking into account the total costs paid to prepare for the event until the cancellation and the bank transfer fees to be paid. Furthermore, if the race is canceled, the right to run in the next and subsequent events will not be automatically granted, in principle.
- If, in the period from one month before the event (January 19) to the day of the event, a state of emergency is declared in Kyoto Prefecture under the Act on Special Measures for Pandemic Influenza and New Infectious Diseases Preparedness and Response, or the Priority Measures to Prevent the Spread of Infection are applied to Kyoto Prefecture under the Act
- If Kyoto Prefecture (or Kyoto City) requests the event host to refrain from holding the event, or does not agree with holding the event
- If medical treatment facilities in Kyoto City become insufficient to cope with COVID-19 and deemed difficult to secure hospital beds for runners, etc.
- If the medical treatment facilities in Kyoto Prefecture become scarce due to the increase of patients infected by COVID-19 and providing safety and security to the citizens of the prefecture is deemed difficult
- If it is decided that the event might be disrupted due to reasons such as the inability to secure the necessary medical and first-aid systems (insufficient numbers of doctors and nurses) or enough other people involved in holding the event, such as volunteers, race officials, and event managers
- In addition to the criteria mentioned above, if the host decides that the race cannot be held safely as an overall judgment, taking into account the domestic status of the COVID-19 spread and the risk of the infection spreading further
7 Scope of host's responsibility and insurance coverage
The host shall not be liable for infection of runners with COVID-19, except when the infection is caused by the host's willful misconduct or gross negligence.
The compensation for an injury sustained during the event is within the coverage of the accident insurance contracted by the host (infection with COVID-19 is not covered).
Major Efforts to Be Made for Infection Prevention and Control Against COVID-19 at the Kyoto Marathon 2023
As of January 19, 2023
1 Race in general |
2 Runner reception |
3 Okoshiyasu Welcome square |
4 Start square (including pair-ekiden relay stations) |
5 During the race and along the course |
6 Finishing square (including pair-ekiden relay stations) |